Kairo, Ägypten: Topographisch-geographische Sacherschließung der Bibliotheksbestände der Abteilung Kairo


Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Linda Borrmann [Autor/in]


Due to the wide scope of its collection and its specific thematic orientation, the library affiliated to the Cairo Department of the German Archaeological Institute is one of the outstanding research facilities in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean. In order to assist scholars in searching its holdings more effectively, a database of toponyms referring to places in and around the country was set up and will be linked to the library’s catalogue entries. In the end it will be published online as a supplementary application of the iDAI.bibliography/ ZENON-catalogue.




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Citation Formats

Borrmann, L. (2023) „Kairo, Ägypten: Topographisch-geographische Sacherschließung der Bibliotheksbestände der Abteilung Kairo“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 44–46. doi: 10.34780/2cq6-1fbn.