Graçanicë-Gračanica, Kosovo: Ulpiana/Iustiniana Secunda

Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Felix Teichner [Autor/in]


The results of a five years’ cooperation between the Romano-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute and the Kosovar Archaeological Institute were presented to the public together with the German Embassy. The recording of burial finds from the necropolis of the Roman road station Videnis (Gllamnik/Glavnik) has been completed. Moreover, excavations in the Roman and early Byzantine town Ulpiana/Iustiniana Secunda were carried on. Sections of the defensive wall including towers have been uncovered and the inner development of the town has also been researched. Based on the existing cooperation agreement the German Mining Museum in Bochum conducted a further survey in the hinterland of Ulpiana.




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Citation Formats

Teichner, F. (2023) „Graçanicë-Gračanica, Kosovo: Ulpiana/Iustiniana Secunda“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 85–89. doi: 10.34780/bj0y-b71y.