Das Corpus der Antiken Sarkophage und das Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage


Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Ortwin Dally [Autor/in]
  • Reinhard Förtsch [Autor/in]
  • Sabine Schrenk [Autor/in]


The Corpus of Ancient Sarcophagus reliefs is a long-term business of the German Archaeological Institute. Its history dates back to the 19th century. The Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage founded by Friedrich- Wilhelm Deichmann is however younger; the first volume had been published by the German Archaeological Institute in 1967. The following report describes the digitization of photographs of Roman and late antique sarcophagi in the ARACHNE database jointly operated by the University of Cologne and the German Archaeological Institute and the conclusion of the fifth and final volume of the Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage.




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Citation Formats

Dally, O., Förtsch, R. und Schrenk, S. (2023) „Das Corpus der Antiken Sarkophage und das Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 5–9. doi: 10.34780/9jlv-6pb2.