Eine Ehrung des Älteren Theodosius und ein spätantikes Edikt zur Steuererhebung in Limyra
Publication of two late antique inscriptions from the pedestal of an equestrian statue in Limyra: The dedication, in Latin, to Theodosius Senior by the province of Lycia is part of the series of posthumous honors arranged by Theodosius I for his father throughout the Empire between 384 and 387. The edict of a governor of Lycia, Flavios Aëtios Patrikios, may belong to the period of Theodosius (ca. 380–450). Its subject are taxes in money to be collected by leaseholders under the control of the municipal tabularius and defensor.
Limyra, Lycia, Flavius Theodosius senior, Theodosius I, Flavios Aëtios Patrikios, governors of Lycia from the IVth to the VIth c. AD, tabularius civitatis, defensor civitatis, homology, mortgage, taxes, tax collection through leaseholders