Stiftungen in Hypaipa
The article revisits a substantial foundation from Hypaipa reconstructed by Drew-Bear in 1980. Of the five fragments that Drew-Bear identifies as witnesses to that foundation, only three pertain to it (fragments A–C; SEG 30, 1382–1384). The fragments E and F (SEG 30, 1386, 1387) refer to two other foundations. A sixth fragment, whose relation to the foundation is uncertain according to Drew-Bear (D; SEG 30, 1385), has no connection to it. The six fragments are examined, with close attention given to D and A–C. A–C record the grant to Hypaipa of a major complex of contiguous lands (σύγκτησις) including vineyards and the provision that the endowment should also benefit six professional associations (συστήματα).
Σύγκτησις, Hypaipa, Foundation, vineyards, βαλανεῖον