Fragment einer metrischen Strategenweihung an Aphrodite Stratagis aus dem hellenistischen Thyrreion
Publication of a fragmentary dedicatory epigram from the Acarnanian Polis Thyrreion (Thyrion) which can be dated, based on palaeographical criteria, to the 3rd cent. B.C. The poetic quality of the epigram is very high. It can be concluded that a statue – presumably of the goddess herself – is dedicated to an invoked female daimon, who is likely to be identified with Aphrodite Stratagis, on the acropolis of Thyrreion. The dedicators are called tagoi and can probably be considered as the stratagoi of Thyrreion. The strong emphasis of liberty indicates that Thyrreion had been in a precarious situation at this time; this in turn points to the city’s situation in the second half of the 3rd cent. B.C.
Acarnania, Thyrreion, dedicatory epigram, Aphrodite (Stratagis), eleutheria, hellenistic period, strategoi, tagoi