‹Statthaltergewichte› aus Pontus et Bithynia. Neue Exemplare und neue Erkenntnisse
Following the study of the same authors in Chiron 35 (2005), this article publishes another three weights mentioning legati Augusti Ponti et Bithyniae. Two of them appear here for the first time, and the third was previously read incorrectly (SEG 50, 1008). The governors held office under Marcus Aurelius (174/175), Caracalla (ca. 214/215) and Severus Alexander (224/225). Based on the evidence of all 16 weights it is now possible to show that the weights were produced in Nicomedia and that market litres and Italian litres were used alongside one another. Weight no. 14 is the first evidence to show that in some provinces governors could also be concerned with the tasks of a curator rei publicae in a provincial city apart from their role as governors. Appendices, especially concerning the annual dating according to emperors in Pontus et Bithynia, and a list of all legati Augusti Ponti et Bithyniae.
Pontus et Bithynia, Nicomedia, Roman governors, curator rei publicae, systems of weights, senatorial prosopography