La colección epigráfica de la Universidad de Sevilla
The archaeological collection of the University of Seville, founded in 1898 as a result of numerous donations, especially by Francisco de Paula Caballero-Infante y Zuazo, consists of very heterogeneous objects, many of which are unpublished. Its epigraphic repertoire, published here, contains 19 inscriptions, mainly from Hispania Baetica, as well as two grave-stone slabs, a high imperial brick, a limestone and a lead urn from Carmona, three other bricks, as well as a late-antique or Visigothic, decorated plate, but also objects from Italy, such as a fistula aquaria from the city of Rome, eight brick stamps on tegulae, and a ceramic lid.
Latin epigraphy, University of Seville, Francisco de Paula Caballero-Infante y Zuazo, grave-stone slabs, funerary cista, lead urn, brick stamps, fistula aquaria, decorated plate