La societas argentifodinarum Ilucronensium y la explotacion de las minas romanas de Carthago Noua


  • Juan Antonio Antolinos Marín [Author]
  • Borja Díaz Ariño [Author]


The article reviews the currently known epigraphic documents relating to the societas argentifodinarum Ilucronensium, which include several lead ingots and three casting moulds that were almost certainly used in their making, as well as a series of lead seals bearing the impressed inscription S·A·I. This collection of material allows for a better understanding of the activities of this important society in the mining district at Mazarrón (Murcia), and provides new data relating to the development of mining and metallurgy in the area around Carthago Nova between the end of the Republic and the early imperial period.


Roman mining and metallurgy, ancient economy, Carthago Nova, Hispania





Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Antonio Antolinos Marín, J. and Díaz Ariño, B. (1970) “La societas argentifodinarum Ilucronensium y la explotacion de las minas romanas de Carthago Noua”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 42, pp. 25–44. doi:10.34780/2fm1-fmu2.