Kibyra, die Tetrapolis und Murena: eine neue Freiheitsära in Boubon und Kibyra?
Kibyra, Balboura, Boubon and Oenoanda, four cities in the regions of Kibyratis and Kabalis in northern Lycia, formed a military alliance no later than the second half of the 2nd c. BC. This koinon under the leadership of Kibyra, its most powerful member, called itself «tetrapolis» and is hitherto attested only by Strabo, who says that the koinon was disbanded when Licinius Murena, the governor of the province of Asia, dethroned Moagetes, the tyrant of Kibyra. At least two of the cities, namely Kibyra and Boubon, recorded this event on their coinage by adopting a new time reckoning in the form of a liberation-era. Thanks to new finds from Boubon, the beginning of this era can now be fixed to the year 82/81 BC.
Kibyra, Murena, Moagetes, Boubon, era, tetrapolis