Das tripolitanische Kastell Gheriat el-Garbia im Licht einer neuen spätantiken Inschrift: Am Tag, als der Regen kam
The article publishes a fragmentary, late Latin building inscription. Despite its condition the inscription is of great interest in several regards: its unusual literary vocabulary and its beginning with an ablative construction introduced by ab; it probably also offers evidence that Gheriat el-Garbia was the base of a military unit at the turn of the 5th century. The inscription reports on building measures after damages by heavy rainfalls, perhaps of a cistern or even of a whole section of the limes Tentheitanus.
late antique epigraphy, Notitia dignitatum, provincia Tripolitana, Austuritani, limes Tentheitanus, flood damages, road construction, cistern, impetus, palus