Eine monumentale Dankesgabe: Trajans Neubau der Heiligen Straße von Milet nach Didyma
Through building and dedicatory inscriptions written in Latin and Greek, it has long been known that Trajan had the sacred road from Miletus to the sanctuary of Apollo at Didyma reconstructed. Another Greek inscription, to be published in this article, provides new details and offers the occasion to present the entire epigraphical documentation in a revised form, analysing in-depth the political staging of this building programme. Hence, it records Trajan’s cura, liberalitas, and above all his pietas in a permanent way by offering a monumental gift to the city and her oracle god who had foretold the emperor’s rule.
emperor as prophet of Apollo Didymeus and stephanephoros, virtues of the ruler, cura, liberalitas, pietas, Julian and Didyma, communication with the people of the empire, road construction, oracle, providentia deorum