Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens XII : Schutz für Kallias

Ein rätselhaftes Fragment aus dem frühhellenistischen Limyra



  • Michael Wörrle [Author]


Publication of an inscription fragment from around 300 BCE from Limyra, which proves that both Greek as the official language and a polis-based conceptual self-understanding of the political community were already established at the time. The stone preserves the end of a decree granting public protection to a certain Kallias: reflections on his possible identity with Kallias of Sphettos, who disappears after 303 and reemerges in 287 as Ptolemy I’ s commander of Andros and leader of a mercenary force that supported Athens in the war against Demetrios Poliorketes, and may previously have been involved in Ptolemy I’ s attempts at occupying parts of southwestern Asia Minor, of which only a few episodes are known, but in insufficient detail to furnish a full historical account.


Ptolemy I, Lycia, Limyra, Kallias of Sphettos, Athens, Mercenaries and «warlords»/«condottieri» around 300 BCE, Proxeny, Citizenship, ἀσφάλεια for foreigners







Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Wörrle, M. (2021) “Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens XII : Schutz für Kallias: Ein rätselhaftes Fragment aus dem frühhellenistischen Limyra”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 49, pp. 161–171. doi:10.34780/5ae7-eq6d.