Epigraphische Forschungen zur Geschichte Lykiens XII : Schutz für Kallias
Ein rätselhaftes Fragment aus dem frühhellenistischen Limyra
Publication of an inscription fragment from around 300 BCE from Limyra, which proves that both Greek as the official language and a polis-based conceptual self-understanding of the political community were already established at the time. The stone preserves the end of a decree granting public protection to a certain Kallias: reflections on his possible identity with Kallias of Sphettos, who disappears after 303 and reemerges in 287 as Ptolemy I’ s commander of Andros and leader of a mercenary force that supported Athens in the war against Demetrios Poliorketes, and may previously have been involved in Ptolemy I’ s attempts at occupying parts of southwestern Asia Minor, of which only a few episodes are known, but in insufficient detail to furnish a full historical account.
Ptolemy I, Lycia, Limyra, Kallias of Sphettos, Athens, Mercenaries and «warlords»/«condottieri» around 300 BCE, Proxeny, Citizenship, ἀσφάλεια for foreigners