Neue Freunde von Antoninus Pius
Ein Kaiserpriester und ein proconsul Asiae in Hierapolis
The dossier of T. Flavius Meniskos Philadelphos (three letters of Antoninus Pius [style and significance of short imperial letters], an honorary diploma of the koinon of Asia) published by Tullia Ritti (Hierapolis di Frigia IX. Storia e istituzioni di Hierapolis, 2017) made the proconsul Asiae of 156/157 known for the first time: C. Bellicius Flaccus Torquatus (cos. ord. 143). Updated information on the other consulares of the Bellic(i)i family. L. Statius Quadratus (cos. ord. 142) was probably proconsul Asiae in 154/155 and caused the martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrna on February 23rd, 155. Text and German translation of the dossier in an appendix.
Antoninus Pius, Imperial letters, Friends of the emperor, C. Bellicius Flaccus Torquatus, L. Statius Quadratus, Polycarp of Smyrna