Zwei neue Archontenlisten aus Prusias ad Hypium


  • Mustafa Adak [Author]


Two new honorific inscriptions from Prusias ad Hypium mention the names of all five archontes of a single year. Only the πρῶτος ἄρχων amongst these seems to come from a family which had been holding Roman citizenship for a considerable period. His name was Publius Domitius Proclus, probably a direct descendant of the equestrian Lucius Domitius Proclus known from I. Prusias No 90, who came back to his home city after a remarkable military career which had led him to several regions of the Western empire. The four co-archontes of Proclus bear the nomen gentile Aurelius. Hence both inscriptions are likely to have been erected after the Constitutio Antoniniana. The identification of the person honoured is based only on the preserved title of proconsul. As Bithynia had been governed by an imperial legate since ca 156, this title may have belonged to an emperor. The person honoured seems to have been either Caracalla or one of his two successors.


Bithynia, Prusias ad Hypium, honours for an emperor, Archontes, urban elite, Constitutio Antoniniana, Parthian expedition







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How to Cite

Adak, M. (2017) “Zwei neue Archontenlisten aus Prusias ad Hypium”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 37, pp. 1–10. doi:10.34780/9e83-s8fc.