Neues zum Kataster von Lacimurga. Die Darstellung der subseciva entlang des Ana
This contribution proposes a new interpretation of the extant fragment of the land registry from Roman Lacimurga. Based on various passages of the Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum, it is argued that the registry map shows the legal breadth of the river Ana (Guadiana). As such, the adjacent centuries had the legal status of subseciva. Comparisons with the land registry of Arausio lend further support to this hypothesis. The reason behind the definition of the river’s legal breadth may be the river’s propensity to flood its banks. Entering the river’s breadth on the registry map helped to visualise the risk of such littoral flooding.
land registry, Lacimurga, Augusta Emerita, Lusitania, Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum, flooding, Ana/Guadiana, subsecivum, Vespasian, Arausio, surveying, land law, riverDownloads
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How to Cite
Hettinger, J. (2020) “Neues zum Kataster von Lacimurga. Die Darstellung der subseciva entlang des Ana”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 47, pp. 189–212. doi:10.34780/uexz-q672.