Ex schedis Fourmonti. Le décret agoranomique athénien (CIG I 123 = IG II–III2 1013)
An important agoranomic decree is known to us mainly via a copy made by the clergyman Michel Fourmont in Athens (CIG I 123 = IG II 476 = IG II–III2 1013), as well as by a small fragment discovered during the American excavations on the agora (SEG XXIV 147). All current editions of this text are based on a manuscript kept in the Bibliothèque nationale de France under the sigla Supplément grec no 569, fol. 188r, no 142. However, this manuscript contains not the sketches by Michel Fourmont, but a neat copy of miserable quality created by his nephew Claude-Louis Fourmont more than 10 years after the journey to Greece. It was therefore necessary to republish the decree based on the original copy by Michel Fourmont, extant in ms. Supplément grec no 854, fol. 79r–81r, no 142. This undertaking allowed the relevance of additions, restorations and corrections proposed by previous editors to be evaluated, the text to be improved in several important points and a new structure
to be posited for the text.
Michel Fourmont, Athènes, décret agoranomique, réformes métrologiques, poids et mesures, CIG I 123, IG II 476, IG II–III2 1013, SEG XXIV 147