The Environmental History of the Prehistoric Sárköz Region in Southern Hungary


List of Contributors


Volume 1 of this new series presents current research into the environmental history of the Sárköz region flanking the central Carpathian Basin in southern Hungary. This region was shaped by the Danube, which split here, meandered, met again and created a very dynamic landscape. The contributions provide insights into the history of the landscape based on hydrological data, evidence from oxbow lakes and archaeobotanical research. The main focus is on the results of surveys and excavations of the prehistoric settlements at Alsónyék, Fajsz-Kovácshalom, Fajsz-Garadomb, and Tolna-Mözs.


Neolithic, Hungary, environmental history, survey, hydrology, archaeobotany



November 4, 2021

Bibliographic Information and Reviews