Confinia et horizontes

Confinia et horizontes is a publication series aimed at disseminating the results of major prehistoric (Neolithic and Bronze Age) projects of the Romano-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute. The title of the new series deliberately combines Latin and Greek terms: in referring to border regions and boundary lines, it calls to mind that any marginal, liminal zone is characterised by different groups that establish contacts through exchange and trade, transfer ideas, knowledge and practices, and thus open new perspectives and horizons. The individual volumes will be joint publications with our cooperating partner institutions. The volumes will include publications of fieldwork, environmental and non-invasive landscape research, as well as geo- and bioarchaeology. The ultimate goal of Confinia et horizontes is to achieve interdisciplinarity, interlinking all kinds of research data in order to contribute to a differentiated construction of various dimensions of past societies.

Verlag Beier & Beran
Thomas-Müntzer-Str. 103
D-08134 Langenweißbach 

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Editorial office
Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK)

edited by Eszter Bánffy

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Band 2

The Neolithic of the Sárköz and Adjacent Regions in Hungary: Bioarchaeological Studies

Eszter Bánffy, Alexander Gramsch (Volume editor); Kitti Köhler, Michael Kempf, Margaux L.C. Depaermentier, Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, Alexander Mörseburg, Corina Knipper, Judit Regenye, Anett Osztás, János Jakucs, Alexandra Anders, Judit P. Barna, Piroska Csengeri, Krisztián Oross, Katalin Sebők, László Domboróczki, Marc Fecher, Ferenc Horváth, Balázs Gusztáv Mende, Tibor Marton, Judit Antoni, Gábor Bertók, Erika Molnár, Vera Majerik, Viktória Kiss, Judit Koós, János Dani, Emese Gyöngyvér Nagy, János Ódor, György Pálfi, Tibor Paluch, Pál Raczky, Mario Šlaus, Krisztina Somogyi, Katalin Tóth, Vanda Voicsek, István Zalai-Gaál, Anna Zsófia Biller, Balázs Nagy, Sándor Gulyás, Pál Sümegi, Victoria Keerl, Kurt W. Alt (Chapter Author)
January 23, 2025
Band 01

The Environmental History of the Prehistoric Sárköz Region in Southern Hungary

Eszter Bánffy (Volume editor); Knut Rassmann, Frank Stevens, Krisztián Oross, Tibor Marton, Anett Osztás, Gábor Serlegi, Kay Winkelmann, Pál Sümegi, Katalin Náfrádi, Tünde Törőcsik, Gusztáv Jakab, Elvira Bodor, Mihály Molnár, Balázs Sümegi, Réka Orsolya Tapody, István Knipl, Rozália Kustár, Angela Kreuz, Péter Pomázi, Jörg Petrasch, László Domboróczki, Pál Raczky (Chapter Author)
November 4, 2021