"Bubalin" und "Bovidien" in Südmarokko: Kontext, Klassifikation und Chronologie der Felsbilder im mittleren Draa-Tal
This book deals with prehistoric rock art (petroglyphs) from the northern fringe of the Sahara, or more precisely from the area situated between the Western Anti-Atlas, the Jebel Bani and the Wadi Draa. In the main, the historico-cultural analysis of the rock engravings that are presented, mostly for the first time, concerns problems related to their classification, context and chronology. These issues are discussed with regard to the history of civilization, as well as with reference to climatic change and to the geography and the ethnography of the mid valley of Wadi Draa. In the course of several preliminary surveys in South Morocco, the author has methodically recorded the archaeological sources that form the basis of the investigation.