The Environmental History of the Prehistoric Sárköz Region in Southern Hungary

List of Contributors


Volume 1 of this new series presents current research into the environmental history of the Sárköz region flanking the central Carpathian Basin in southern Hungary. This region was shaped by the Danube, which split here, meandered, met again and created a very dynamic landscape. The contributions provide insights into the history of the landscape based on hydrological data, evidence from oxbow lakes and archaeobotanical research. The main focus is on the results of surveys and excavations of the prehistoric settlements at Alsónyék, Fajsz-Kovácshalom, Fajsz-Garadomb, and Tolna-Mözs.


Neolithic, Hungary, environmental history, survey, hydrology, archaeobotany


  • Lectori salutem!
    Eszter Bánffy
  • The Danubian Sárköz: A geographic, prehistoric, and historic region in the southern Hungarian section of the Danube Valley. An introduction
    Eszter Bánffy
  • Windows onto the landscape: Prospections on the prehistoric sites at Alsónyék, Fajsz-Kovácshalom, Fajsz-Garadomb and Tolna-Mözs in the Sárköz region
    Knut Rassmann, Frank Stevens, Krisztián Oross, Tibor Marton, Anett Osztás, Gábor Serlegi, Kay Winkelmann, Eszter Bánffy
  • Prehistoric environment of the Sárköz region in the Danube Valley, southern Hungary. Case studies from infilled oxbow lakes
    Pál Sümegi, Katalin Náfrádi, Tünde Törőcsik, Gusztáv Jakab, Elvira Bodor, Mihály Molnár, Balázs Sümegi, Réka Orsolya Tapody, István Knipl, Rozália Kustár, Eszter Bánffy
  • Groundwater under scrutiny: A hydrological aspect of human settlement strategy in the vicinity of the southern shoreline of Lake Balaton
    Gábor Serlegi
  • Investigation of the plant macro-remains from four archaeological excavations at Fajsz-Garadomb and Alsónyék-Bátaszék in the Sárköz region and their comparison with the archaeobotanical record from other Hungarian Neolithic sites
    Angela Kreuz, Péter Pomázi, Anett Osztás, Krisztián Oross, Tibor Marton, Jörg Petrasch, László Domboróczki, Pál Raczky, Eszter Bánffy


November 4, 2021

Bibliographic Information and Reviews