Archäologische und geophysikalische Prospektionen im Nordbereich der chalkolithischen Siedlung von Valencina de la Concepción bei Sevilla (Andalusien) im Jahr 2014



The present article offers the results of a first survey campaign in the supposed settlement
area of the site of Valencina de la Concepción, which is situated 6 km west of the modern
city of Seville. Especially on two neighbouring areas in the Northern part of Valencina we
undertook geo-magnetic and an archaeological surveys and manual drillings of the anomalies
registered. To sum up, the geo-magnetic survey in the ›Parcela Municipal del Cerro de la
Cabeza‹ and the Southern part of the area ›Cerro Mármol‹ delivered a great number of circular
and oval anomalies, which probably represent pits, silos and houses with sunken floors.
On the other hand, several linear anomalies were documented. The manual drillings allow
us to define the majority of these structures as ditches. So we could identify three ditched
enclosures, which should have been operative in different moments. The ceramic material
found during the archaeological survey speaks for a Chalcolithic dating of the majority of
the documented structures.


Chalkolithikum, Guadalquivir-Mündungsgebiet, Grabenwerke, Magnetometer-Prospektion, Feldbegehung, Manuelle Bohrungen






Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Schuhmacher, T.X., Falkenstein, F., Link, T., Mederos Martín, A. and Vargas, J.M. (2020) “Archäologische und geophysikalische Prospektionen im Nordbereich der chalkolithischen Siedlung von Valencina de la Concepción bei Sevilla (Andalusien) im Jahr 2014”, Madrider Mitteilungen, 56, pp. 1–39. doi:10.34780/mm.v56i0.1001.