Late Classical Kantharoi from Klazomenai


  • İlkan Hasdağlı [Autore]


With the help of the Klazomenai Excavations, a considerable amount of small finds from the Late Classical Period has been brought to light along with architectural remains. Kantharoi are possibly among the most diagnostic shapes of all pottery finds at Late Classical Klazomenai. The kantharoi in question were mainly found in domestic contexts and are studied under three sub-types in this paper. The slim and tall vessels of the first type are represented alongside almost all fills at the site during the late 5th and early 4th centuries and they are certainly peculiar to Klazomenai and Ionia. This type is also frequently reported in Black Sea sites and is thought to be an indicator of Ionian activities around the Black Sea Region in the 4th century. The second type with floral decoration emerged from the Late Archaic Period pottery tradition of Ionia but was still in use during the late 5th and the early 4th century in Klazomenai. The third type can be described as a simple hybrid of the previous two types.

Parole chiave:

Klazomenai, Kantharos, Late Classical Period






Come citare

Hasdağlı, İlkan (2024) “Late Classical Kantharoi from Klazomenai”, Istanbuler Mitteilungen, 65, pp. 83–127. doi:10.34780/2d1vk328.