Kommunikation zwischen Prätorianerpräfekt und Statthalter: Eine Zweitschrift von IvE Ia 44



  • Patrick Sänger [Author]


Publication of a so-far unknown inscription from Ephesos, of which the find spot and original location are obscure. The fragment presents the end of the already published letter IvE Ia 44, which Flavius Taurus Seleucus Cyrus, praetorian prefect of the Oriens, sent to Flavius Heliodorus, proconsul of Asia, around 440 AD. Since IvE Ia 44 has been studied by scholars only cursorily, its content is analysed in detail. The text illustrates the implementation of a constitution by Constantine I from 331 AD (CTh 1. 16. 6 = CJ 1. 40. 3) by which provincials gained the right to hail or criticise their provincial governors through acclamations.


Ephesos, IvE Ia 44, praetorian prefect, proconsul, Flavius Taurus Seleucus Cyrus, Flavius Heliodorus, acclamations, koinon





Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Sänger, P. (1970) “Kommunikation zwischen Prätorianerpräfekt und Statthalter: Eine Zweitschrift von IvE Ia 44”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 40, pp. 89–102. doi:10.34780/365a-4sae.