Warum Simonides den Artemidorpapyrus nicht hätte fälschen können: Eine seltene Schreibung für Tausender in Inschriften und Papyri
The stadiasmos of the Spanish coast in the new Artemidoros papyrus contains a rare numeric sign for thousands, known from Hellenistic papyri and inscriptions, the so-called παρακύϊcμα. The hypothesis brought forth by L. Canfora that Konstantinos Simonides, who died no later than 1890, may have forged the papyrus would require the assumption that this rare numeral was known to him. The present article proves that the numeral in question could be identified and understood only by inscriptions which came to light in 1896. Hence, one can be sure that Simonides would not have been able to forge the Artemidoros papyrus. In addition we provide a reinterpretation of I.Priene 118, 5+17 and I.Brit.Mus. 897, 6.