Neue Inschriften aus Patara IV : Liktoren und ihr legatus Augusti

Eine bilingue Ehrung für L. Luscius Ocra und seine Familie


  • Sophia Bönisch-Meyer [Author]


The article continues the series begun in Chiron 42, 2012 and continued in 43, 2013 and 45, 2015, by publishing a new, bilingual honorary monument for the governor L. Luscius Ocra (74–76 CE), his wife Iulia Severina and his homonymous son, which was set up by the governor’s five lictors. The inscription casts new light on the corporate organization of the apparitores of the city of Rome, since it records the total number of individuals registered in the three decuriae of lictors. The text also indicates that the honoree acted as patron of these three decuriae. The fact that the monument honouring the governor and his immediate family was set up at Patara soon after the administrative reorganization of the region by Vespasian further indicates that the city functioned as a central administrative centre even after the establishment of the double province of Lycia et Pamphylia.


Lycia, Patara, Vespasian, Titus, Lycia et Pamphylia, governor, provincial capital, lictors, decuriae, patronage







Bibliographic Information and Reviews

How to Cite

Bönisch-Meyer, S. (2021) “Neue Inschriften aus Patara IV : Liktoren und ihr legatus Augusti: Eine bilingue Ehrung für L. Luscius Ocra und seine Familie”, Chiron. Mitteilungen der Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 48, pp. 375–400. doi:10.34780/re7e-6b0n.