
The Palilia series publishes monographic works on archaeological research in Italy and neighboring areas. In particular, new questions and innovative research methods, but also neglected subject areas of classical archaeology, will be discussed. In addition to central research areas such as Greco-Roman sculpture, iconography, architecture, urbanism and topographical studies, topics from social, economic and religious history as well as materials from everyday culture are also covered.
In order to guarantee good readability and handiness, but at the same time to enable the publication of works that are based on extensive material documentation, the CoDArchLab and the DAI Rome are breaking new ground in archaeological publication by supplementing printed works with digital provision of additional materials adapted to the book structure. The volumes of the Palilia series represent independent works that are completely complete in their argumentation, but at the same time catalogs that go beyond the printed version are available to readers who want to see further details of the material in the online database "Arachne". This possibility of linking and interactive expansion has characterized the Palilia since volume 20.

from volume 32:
Harrassowitz Verlag
Kreuzberger Ring 7b-d
D-65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim

Volume 1–31:
Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Tauernstraße 11
D-65199 Wiesbaden

Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial office
Rome Department

German Archeological Institute Rome

further editors
Ortwin Dally, DAI Rome
Norbert Zimmermann, DAI Rome

Find all volumes in ZENON

Tutti i volumi

Band 33

Settlement Structures and Mettalurgie: The Relations between Italy and the Iberian Peninsula in the Early Chalcolithic. Papers of an International Conference Held in Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano – Palazzo Massimo, 6–7 October 2011

Michael Kunst, Daniel Steiniger (Volume editor); Henner von Hesberg, Dirce Marzoli, Daniela Cocchi Genick, Alberto Cazzella, Andrea Dolfini, Lucia Sarti, Nicoletta Volante, Gianna Giachi, Pasquino Pallecchi, Mark Pearce, Roberto Maggi, Alessandro Giudi, Paul Ambert (†), Marie Laroche, Valentina Figueroa-Larre, Jean-Louis Guendon, Salvador Rovira, Noël Houlès, Salvador Rovira, Gert Goldenberg, Erica Hanning, José E. Márquez-Romero, Víctor Jiménez-Jáimez, António Carlos Valera, Elena Morán, Rui Parreira, Christian Strahm, Claudio Giardino, Christian Horn, Thomas X. Schuhmacher, Jean Guilaine, Roland Gauß (Chapter Author)
February 10, 2023
Band 34

Africa – Ifrīqiya: Continuity and Change in North Africa from the Byzantine to the Early Islamic Age. Papers of a Conference held in Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano – Terme di Diocleziano, 28 February – 2 March 2013

Ralf Bockmann, Anna Leone, Philipp von Rummel (Volume editor); Jonathan P. Conant, Walter E. Kaegi, Mohamed Ghodhbane, Richard Miles, Faouzi Mahfoudh, Stefan Altekamp, Hafed Abdouli, Corisande Fenwick, Anis Mkacher, Moheddine Chaouali, Heike Möller, François Baratte, Fathi Bahri, Mouna Taâmallah, Susan T. Stevens, Michel Bonifay, Chris Wickham (Chapter Author)
October 14, 2021