Kalapodi 2014–2016: Investigating the surroundings, limits and infrastructure of the sanctuary
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- Katja Sporn [Volume editor] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1845-5113 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Abstract This paper summarises the results of the field research carried out in 2014-2016 in Kalapodi within a project called ›Untersuchungen zur Anlage, Ausdehnung und Infrastruktur des Heiligtums von Kalapodi‹. Work began with geophysical prospections in the vicinity of the sanctuary and was soon followed by targeted excavations to check the geophysical anomalies, but also the shape and date of a possible temenos wall and the sanctuary’s classical bronze workshop and possible outbuildings. After submitting a restoration plan for the collapsed west pediment of the South Temple, the latter was salvaged and excavations carried out in this area. Finally, a site management plan for the entire area was also submitted.
Keywords Kalapodi, sanctuary, pediment, temenos, bronze workshop