Delphes et Kalapodi au début de l'âge du fer ancien (11e–9e siècles av. J.-C.)
ANCIENT PHOKIS: New approaches to its history, archaeology and topography International conference, DAI Athens, 30 March – 1 April 2017
Liste des contributeurs-trices
- Jean-Marc Luce [Auteur]
Original title: Delphes et Kalapodi au début de l'âge du fer ancien (11e–9e siècles av. J.-C.) .
Abstract This paper proposes a comparison of the Early Iron Age pottery from Delphi and Kalapodi in order to increase the precision of the stratigraphic correlation between both sites, to measure the degree of similarity in both assemblages, and to understand the system of relations and exchanges within Phocis.
Keywords Delphi, Kalapodi, sub-Mycenaean, proto-Geometric, pottery
June 1, 2024
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