Menschen – Kulturen – Traditionen

The series Menschen – Kulturen – Traditionen. Studien aus den Forschungsclustern des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts combines contributions from the DAI research clusters. Since 2005/2006, the clusters have offered the opportunity to examine the institute's diverse and global research using common questions and working methods, with the aim of gaining profound insights into the mechanisms of cultural processes and historical developments in early human history. The clusters deal specifically with the following topics:

Research Cluster 2005–2012
Cluster 1: From sedentary behavior to complex society: settlement, economy, environment
Cluster 2: Innovations: technical, social
Cluster 3: Political spaces
Cluster 4: Sanctuaries: Shape and Ritual, Continuity and Change
Cluster 5: History of the German Archaeological Institute in the 20th century

Research Cluster 2013–2018
Cluster 1: From sedentary behavior to complex society: settlement, economy, environment, cult
Cluster 2: Innovations: technical, social
Cluster 3: Political spaces
Cluster 4: Sanctuaries: Cult topography and forms of communication in a sacred context
Cluster 5: History of archaeology
Cluster 6: „Connecting Cultures". Forms, paths and spaces of cultural interaction
Cluster 7: Reality of life in late antiquity

VML Verlag Marie Leidorf GmbH
Stellerloh 65
D-32369 Rahden/Westf.

Responsible editorial office/editors
edited by the German Archeological Institute on behalf of the Cluster spokesperson

Guidelines for authors
The Guidelines for publications of the German Archeological Institute apply.

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Cover, Kontaktmodi
Band 17

KONTAKTMODI: Ergebnisse der gemeinsamen Treffen der Arbeitsgruppen »Mobilität und Migration« und »Zonen der Interaktion« (2013–2018). ForschungsCluster 6 »Connecting Cultures«. Formen, Wege und Räume kultureller Interaktion.

Dirce Marzoli, Sabine Reinhold, Udo Schlotzhauer, Burkhard Vogt, Hannah Schnorbusch (Volume editor); David Wigg-Wolf, Frank Bernstein, Petra Wodtke, Dominik Lukas, Claudia Winterstein, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar, Christof Berns, Mohammed Elfath Ahmed, Andrej B. Belinskij, Raimund Schulz, Marta Santos Retolaza, Gabriel de Prado Cordero, Adolfo J. Domínguez Monedero, Anne Sklebitz, Beate Pongratz-Leisten, Holger Baitinger, Alexandru Popa (Chapter Author)
July 4, 2024