Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (CSIR)

 Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (CSIR)

The Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani (CSIR) is an international academic enterprise begun in 1963. Its aim is to document the immense sculptural heritage of the Roman Empire through published catalogues produced in the various countries which now embrace its territory.

The CSIR was initiated on the occasion of the International Congress of Classical Archaeology (CIAC) and has been since then promoted by the International Association of Classical Archaeology. It has now produced around one hundred volumes dedicated to the sculptural and architectural heritage of the Roman world, forming a fundamentally important academic reference-work, particularly for the study of Roman provincial art and archaeology. On the occasion of its 50th birthday an international scientific committee was created, with the aim of promoting future research and publication projects (print and online), establishing guidelines and criteria, fostering networks of knowledge exchange, and offering a central reference-point for already existing national committees and for other national and international institutions and projects. A first meeting of the new committee was held in Rome at the German Archaeological Institute in February 2013.

The first volume on Germany was published by the Romano-Germanic Commission in 1973 together with the then Prähistorische Staatssammlung in Munich, presenting the stone sculptures from Raetia and Noricum. By 2005, 20 volumes on Germany had been published by editors such as the Romano-Germanic Commission, the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz (now LEIZA), the Trierer Landesmuseum and others.

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