Der archaische Heiligtumsbefund vom Taxiarchis-Hügel in Didyma: Teilband 1: Grabungsstratigraphie, archäologischer Kontext und topographische Einbindung
The ›Taxiarchis Hill‹ in Didyma is located about 200m northwest of the temple of Apollo and is the site of largely undisturbed features with finds from an Archaic sanctuary, most of which are votive offerings. These were deposited in different phases of the Archaic period and are particularly concentrated in a compact burnt layer that can be linked to the destruction by the Persians. The features include numerous high-quality finds of various types and are the subject of this three-volume publication. Even though there are no clear indications for the identification of the original context of this rubble from a sanctuary, the range of finds suggests a female deity as the main recipient. The finds from ›Taxiarchis Hill‹ thus give a new perspective on the cult topography of the entire sanctuary and are of great relevance for our knowledge of Archaic votives in Didyma, since they are the first undisturbed finds of this kind recovered in Didyma. In this first volume, the Archaic stratigraphy is presented, as it is the basis not only of the chronological framework for the objects found, but also of the interpretation of the entire site. Firstly, the features and finds that are connected to the post-Archaic use of ›Taxiarchis Hill‹ are presented in order to clarify to what extent these can provide information about its function. In addition, an attempt is made to reconstruct the location and formation of the site in the context of the topography and overall functional structure of Didyma.
Didyma, Heiligtum, Kulttopographie, archaische Votivdeponierung, PerserzerstörungChapters
I Einleitung
II Grabungsstratigraphie, archäologischer Kontext und topographische Einbindung
II.A Die archaische Stratigraphie vom Taxiarchis-HügelEinleitung – Die Kulturschichten archaischer Zeit und ihre Versiegelung – Zusammenfassung – Anhang 1: Befundkatalog – Anhang 2: Liste der Gefäßanpassungen und -zusammengehörigkeiten
II.B Die nacharchaische Nutzung von der hellenistischen bis in die byzantinische Zeit
II.C Die Einbindung des Taxiarchis-Hügels in die Topographie Didymas und die Genese seines Geländeprofils
Konkordanzlisten nach KontextenKeramik (Kataloge) – Kleinfunde (Kataloge)
ÖzetTercüme eden Hüseyin Cevizoğlu
SummaryTranslated by Jan-Henrik Hartung
Verzeichnis der Autorinnen und Autoren von Band I (alphabetisch)
Tafeln 1–80