Early Historical Clay Cist Graves at Kalotuwawa (Sri Lanka)



  • Nimal Perera [Autore]


Two megalithic cist graves were exposed at Kalotuwawa (Sri Lanka). The cists showed traces of heavy burning and were filled with ashes, charcoal and a few calcinated human bones. Potsherds in the pits belonged to grave goods. The vessels were of Black-and-Red Ware and common Red/Brown Ware. Radiocarbon samples give a date of 135 ± 51 B. C.

The article will be available as a PDF in the near future.

Parole chiave:

archaeology, megalithic, burials, cist graves, Black-and-Red Ware



Informazioni bibliografiche e recensioni

Come citare

Perera, N. (2023) “Early Historical Clay Cist Graves at Kalotuwawa (Sri Lanka)”, Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen, 3, pp. 65–70. doi:10.34780/e4rz-9rzm.