Finds from Miletus XXVI. Aphrodite Offerings with Ear-Reliefs from Oikus


  • Norbert Ehrhardt [Author]
  • Wolfgang Günther [Author]
  • Peter Weiß [Author]


In the Milesian Sanctuary of Aphrodite of Oikus, more than 30 inscribed and anepigraphic votive panels and steles were found – albeit not in situ – during the excavation campaigns of 2006 and 2007. Many of them bore a relief representation of an ear or pair of ears along with the votive inscription. The formulation of the inscriptions, which according to the shape of the letters date from the period between the 2nd century B.C. and the 2nd century A.D., is stereotypical: »N. N.  Αφρoδiτη εuxeν«. The offerings were therefore made to Aphrodite as a deity »who hears prayers« (eπhκooς). They are not anatomical offerings.Where the names of the dedicators are preserved, they are exclusively female. For the Archaic era, by contrast, men are well attested among the dedicators at Oikus. The new marble votives probably indicate a change in clientele and votive practice compared to earlier epochs.


Miletus, Aphrodite, votives, prayer-answering deities, ear-reliefs





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How to Cite

Ehrhardt, N., Günther, W. and Weiß, P. (2014) “Finds from Miletus XXVI. Aphrodite Offerings with Ear-Reliefs from Oikus”, Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1, pp. 187–203. doi:10.34780/vfr6-a41f.