The »MIRAS« series presents case studies of archaeological heritage conservation and publishes collections of material from projects in the fields of conservation, site management and cultural heritage protection. Miras is intended to provide suggestions and impulses for overcoming the challenges that the cultural preservation of archaeological sites (not only in Turkey) poses for the respective actors.

Responsible editor/publisher
German Archaeological Institute
Istanbul Department
Editorial Office
Inönü Caddesi 10
TR-34437 Istanbul - Gümüssuyu

Editors: Prof. Dr Felix Pirson ‒ Dr Moritz Kinzel

Publishing house
Ege Yayınları/Zero Prod. Ltd.
Katip Mustafa Celebi Mahallesi
Abdullah Sokak 17
TR-34433 Istanbul

Guidelines for authors
Manuscripts can be submitted to the Istanbul editorial office at any time. However, in order to minimise the editorial workload and to discuss the formal preparation of your manuscript, we kindly ask you to contact the Istanbul editorial office prior to submission.

Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts can be found here.

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