Frühmittelalterliche Archäologie zwischen Ostsee und Mittelmeer

The series Frühmittelalterliche Archäologie zwischen Ostsee und Mittelmeer closes the gap in transnational early history research in the area between the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean. In terms of content, the series essentially deals with what was previously referred to in research as the archaeology of the Western Slavs. The monographs and collected works in German or English are supplemented by summaries in German, English and Russian.

Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
Tauernstraße 11
D-65199 Wiesbaden

Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial office
Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK)

Sebastian Brather, Claus von Carnap-Bornheim, Hauke Jöns, Christian Lübke, Friedrich Lüth, Michael Müller-Wille (†), Karl-Heinz Willroth (†) and Kerstin P. Hofmann

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