The Greek port city of Demetrias in Magnesia was founded in 294 BC by Demetrios I Poliorketes. The city experienced its heyday during the Hellenistic period, when Demetrios and other kings of the Antigonid dynasty used Demetrias as a base for political and military operations and the city developed into an international port. Archaeological research began at the end of the 19th century and excavations brought to light important monuments such as a fortification, burial and cult sites, a palace and a theater. The German Thessaly excavations in Demetrias took place from 1967-1981, and their studies on topography, architecture and inscriptions were published in a series of five volumes in the series Beiträge zur ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie des Mittelmeer-Kulturraumes by V. Milojčić and D. Theocharis were published. After a longer interruption of the main publication series, unpublished finds from the excavations have appeared since 2003 in the independent Demetrias series under the editorship of A. Furtwängler.
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