The BYZAS series publishes the results of conferences, workshops or scientific networks as well as thematically focused studies that are closely related to the work of the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological Institute or were carried out in cooperation between the department and other institutions. The printed publications are also made available as freely accessible PDF files one year after their publication.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in BYZAS are subject to a scientific peer review process.
Ege Yayınları/Zero Prod. Ltd.
Katip Mustafa Celebi Mahallesi
Abdullah Sokak 17
TR-34433 Istanbul
Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial office
Istanbul Department
edited by Felix Pirson and Moritz Kinzel
Guidelines for authors
Manuscripts can be submitted to the Istanbul editorial office at any time. However, in order to minimise the editorial workload and to discuss the formal preparation of your manuscript, we kindly ask you to contact the Istanbul editorial office prior to submission.
Guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts can be found here.
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