
Bogazkoey-Hattusa Boğazköy-Berichte

The Hittite capital Boğazköy-Ḫattuša has been systematically researched since 1906 through excavations by the Istanbul Museum and the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. The German Archaeological Institute has been involved in the work since 1907 and since 1931 has led the excavations of the palace and settlement complexes, numerous temple buildings and other official structures of the complex cultural site, the earliest traces of which date back to the first half of the 6th millennium BC. The Boğazköy-Berichte series is the continuation, founded in 2003, of the loose Boğazköy series, which produced six volumes from 1935-1984 under the editorship of the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. The aim is the rapid and concentrated publication of individual studies on specific topics, material groups and clearly organised excavation sections.

Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH (today part of Verlag Herder GmbH: wbg – Wissen verbindet)
Hermann-Herder-Str. 4
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau 

Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial office
Head Office Berlin (Zentrale Berlin)

edited by Andreas Schachner and Jürgen Seeher on behalf of the Head Office (Zentrale) Berlin

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