
Sarcophagi are not only an essential part of the imperial burial culture. The reliefs of the imperial sarcophagi also represent a central reference genre for iconographic, stylistic and cultural-historical questions within research on Roman sculpture. The series Sarkophag-Studien belongs to the Corpus der römischen Sarkophage, a company that has been dedicated to researching ancient sarcophagi under the aegis of the German Archaeological Institute since the 19th century. Since 2007, the project has been driven forward by an international advisory board on behalf of the DAI Central Directorate. Unlike the Corpora works of the research project, the Sarkophag-Studien are intended to offer a platform for interpretation-oriented and cross-genre research approaches, be it in the form of conference reports, collected works or even monographic treatises. The series not only includes works on the contextualization and historical-cultural classification of sarcophagi and their decorative decorations; it is also a forum for new research and research questions in the field of sarcophagus and associated image research.

Volume 9 on comission from:
Otto Harrassowitz GmbH & Co. KG
Harrassowitz Verlag
Kreuzberger Ring 7c-d
D-65205 Wiesbaden-Erbenheim

from volume 6:
Verlag Franz Philipp Rutzen i. Li.
Franz Philipp Rutzen
Am Zellerberg 21
D-83324 Ruhpolding

Volume 1–5:
Verlag Philipp von Zabern GmbH (heute Teil der Verlag Herder GmbH: wbg – Wissen verbindet)
Hermann-Herder-Str. 4
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau

Responsible editorial office/editors
Editorial office
Head Office Berlin (Zentrale Berlin)

edited by the authors on behalf of the German Archeological Institute

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