
The prehistoric settlement layers and burial grounds in the vicinity of Durankulak in north-eastern Bulgaria were researched by the German Archaeological Institute between 1974 and 1997.The excavations yielded numerous new insights into the prehistory of the Balkan Peninsula. Together with the earlier finds from the cemeteries of Devnja and Varna, the prehistoric burials of Durankulak show that the west coast of the Black Sea was the cradle of the earliest proto-high culture on European soil in the 5th millennium BC. The Durankulak series presents the scientific analysis of the extraordinarily extensive finds from the cemeteries as well as the resulting insights into the genesis, development, economic and social structure of this early cultural landscape.

Publishing House Anubis Ltd. Sofia
№1 Mladen Pavlov Str., floor 3
BG-Sofia 1124
Tel.: +359 (0)2 94416-43

Vertrieb bei Wasmuth Buchhandlung und Antiquariat GmbH & Co
Pfalzburger Straße 43-44
D-10717 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0)30 863099-0

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Editorial office
Head Office Berlin (Zentrale Berlin)

edited by Henrieta Todorova on behalf of the Head Office Berlin (Zentrale Berlin)

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