Die Ostraka vom Kerameikos
The hoard of around 9,000 voting sherds used in ostracism that was found in the Kerameikos of Athens is an important source on early Attic democracy and is published in its entirety for the first time here in text with descriptions and illustrations. Self-contained and dating to the year 471 B.C., the hoard gives an insight into the ostracism procedure, the spread of literacy and the development of writing as well as morphology and phonetics, and constitutes a new fixed point for the chronology of functional pottery. Certain sherds with additional information beyond the name itself shed light on the intention of the ›voters‹ and political debate in this period.
Athens, Kerameikos, ostracismChapters
Part 1:
1 Technische Vorbemerkungen
2 Fundgeschichte und Fundgruppen
3 Keramik
4 Schrift und Sprache
5 Zusatzinformationen auf Ostraka
6 Gruppenkataloge
Vorbemerkungen zu den Abbildungen (Gefäßprofile)
Beilagen 1–7
Tafeln 1–397
Part 2:
7 Einzelkatalog

December 18, 2020
Bibliographic Information and Reviews
Copyright (c) 2020 Digital editions of monographs and series of the DAI
Details about the available publication format: Part 1: Text
Part 1: Text
Physical Dimensions
Details about the available publication format: Part 1: Illustrations
Part 1: Illustrations