Archäologische Forschungen zur voreuropäischen Wassernutzung in Ava Ranga Uka A Toroke Hau, Osterinsel (Rapa Nui/Isla de Pascua, Chile) 2007–2009
Ava Ranga Uka A Toroke Hau is the fi rst archaeological site with hydraulic installations ever to be excavated on Easter Island. Its core area, which occupies a small valley on the flanks of the Terevaka volcano, comprises two dams, a stone basin, bank reinforcements, and terraces. Next to it is a small settlement area and the ritual platform of Ahu Hanua Nua Mea. During the fi rst two seasons of excavation dam R1 and the stone basin were studied producing a complex stratigraphic sequence that so far gives evidence of anthropogenic interventions only. Patterns of classical fl uviatile sedimentation and siltation could not be documented. Offerings such as breakwater cobbles, coral fragments, but also a cache of botanic remains and miniaturized obsidian and basalt tools may suggest that the site was most likely used as a sanctuary connected to a rain and fertility cult.
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Easter Island, water management, Rapanui Culture, pre-contact period, water sanctuary