Ifri Armas
Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung des marokkanischen Frühneolithikums
The Moroccan coastline between Nador and Al Hoceima shows an intense occupation in Prehistory, particularly between the late Iberomaurusian and the Neolithic. The early Neolithic Cave Site of Ifri Armas, which had been destroyed during road constructions, produced evidence for an early stock breeding from about 5660 ± 40 calB. C. On the basis of the archaeological record, such as cardial impressed ceramics produced from local material, the lithic industry, typical bone artifacts and personal ornaments made of molluscs, it is possible to produce a connection between contemporary sites in the region and furthermore supra-regional analogies. The findings create an impression of an exchange (at least an exchange of ideas) between different communities in the same area and those from other regions. The socio-economic pattern is defined both by exploitation of numerous resources in the periphery of the site, especially fishing, the collection of sea shells and hunting, and by stockbreeding. It appears that constant mobility was aimed at obtaining different subsistence goods, which seem to be directed by seasonal factors. Unfortunately it was only possible to analyse a very small sector of the site, due to the destruction of the cave. Both these circumstances and the dynamical processes during the occupation, which lead to intermixtures in the material, make it difficult to definite explicit evidences.
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Maghreb, early Neolithic, Neolithization, cardial, impressed ware, stockbreeding, subsistance strategies