Tall Zirāʿa, Jordanien: Die Kalksteingefäße aus der frührömischen Zeit – Religiöse uns sozio-öknomische Implikationen


Liste der Beiträger/innen

  • Jutta Häser [Autor/in]
  • Dieter Vieweger [Autor/in]


Chalk vessels of specific types have been recognized as religious markers for a Jewish presence. They have been used in the daily purification rites and are well known from Jewish sites in lsrael/Palestine. They can be dated from 30 BC to araund 100 AD. Only few specimens are known from Transjordan. However, 81 pieces were excavated from Area I and II on Tall Zirāʿa in Northwest Jordan. This Ieads to the assumption that this site was at least partly inhabited by a Jewish population.




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Citation Formats

Häser, J. und Vieweger, D. (2023) „Tall Zirāʿa, Jordanien: Die Kalksteingefäße aus der frührömischen Zeit – Religiöse uns sozio-öknomische Implikationen“, e-Forschungsberichte des DAI, S. 20–23. doi: 10.34780/6cbh-996y.