La grotte d'Ifri n'Ammar: t. 2 Le Paléolithique Moyen
Since 1997, research in the Palaeolithic cave station "Ifri n'Ammar" has been a priority project within the German-Moroccan cooperation programme "Préhistoire et Protohistoire au Rif Oriental Marocain". This is carried out in cooperation with the "Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures of the German Archaeological Institute" (KAAK / DAI, Bonn) and the "Institut National des Sciences de L'Archéologie et du Patrimoine" (INSAP, Rabat).
The main part of the present volume "La Grotte d'Ifri n'Ammar - Le Paléolithique Moyen" is dedicated to the investigation and chronological classification of the stone tool types from the lower stratigraphic sequences of the Ifri n'Ammar cave.
In the North African Maghreb, lithic material from the Middle Palaeolithic is still strongly associated with the cultural designations Moustérien and Atérien.
A typological connection of this regional Middle Palaeolithic to the European Moustérian technocomplex was established early on with the first discoveries of corresponding North African stone tool inventories in the 1960s. More and more recently, voices have been raised in research criticising the use of the Eurocentric term "Moustérian" to refer to the North African Middle Palaeolithic.
At Ifri n'Ammar, the use of advanced excavation techniques and developed dating methods have made it possible to improve the structure of the sequences of the Middle Palaeolithic and to record its beginnings. For the Ifri n'Ammar, the time frame of this event can thus be given by means of thermoluminescence dating with reliable key dates from 171,000 to 83,000 years before today.
This volume also discusses the spatial distribution of the Atérien, whose core zone is to be located in the Maghreb states of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Attention is also drawn to comparable artefact inventories outside this area.
The spotlight is also placed on the pierced shells of marine snails recovered from the Atérien strata of the Ifri n'Ammar, which, in view of the new dating, are among the oldest ornaments in human history. They are thus also evidence of the arrival of anatomically modern humans in North Africa.
Based on the extensive find material from Ifri n'Ammar, this treatise is also dedicated to the goal of sketching a new definition of existing cultural sequences and to making it possible to develop the regional cultural sequence and the environmental conditions during the Palaeolithic in Mediterranean eastern Morocco.
In the annex of this volume, Rainer Hutterer (Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn) provides detailed information on the fauna, Ludwig Reisch (University of Erlangen) an overview of sedimentary genesis and climatic history, and Daniel Richter (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig) a summary of the new thermoluminescence dating of the site.
Architektur, Archäologie, Höhle, Landschaftsarchitektur, Landschaftsarchäologie, Marokko, Nordafrika, Paläolithikum, Steinzeit, Steinzeit: Altsteinzeit (Paläolithikum)Capitoli
1 Ifri n’Ammar: quelques données générales
2 Analyse du matériel lithique des dépôts de l’occupation supérieure du Paléolithique moyen d’Ifri n’Ammar
3 Analyse du matériel lithique des dépôts de l’occupation inférieure du Paléolithique moyen d’Ifri n’Ammar
4 Comparaison entre les séries lithiques des deux occupations
5 Synthèse et conclusions générale: La place d’Ifri n’Ammar dans l’archéoséquence du Paléolithique moyen au Maroc et en Afrique du Nord
Liste des figures
Liste des tableaux
Liste des dessins des outils lithique
Appendix A: The Middle Palaeolithic vertebrate fauna of Ifri n’Ammar (R. Hutterer)
Appendix B: L’analyse sédimentologique de la grotte d’Ifri n’Ammar (L. Reisch)
Appendix C: Themoluminescence dating of heated flint artefacts from Ifri n’Ammar (D. Richter)